Monday 8 February 2016

Class 3 Poetry Week

Today Class 3 will be watching lots of  performance poetry  and deciding what makes a good performance. The children will then write their  own Success Criteria so they can evaluate their  own performances later in the week!!

We watched Michael Rosen perform Chocolate Cake.
Lily thought his facial expressions were strange but very funny.
Arjuna noticed that he changed the volume of his voice.
Sarah enjoyed the way he used his hands and arms to keep you watching.
Oliver liked the way he made us laugh.
Lydia noticed that he spoke very clearly all the time.
Grace said she enjoyed the story he told.
Thomas noticed that he had learned all the words.
Ehsan said that means he knows them ‘off by heart’
Sophie said he did not stumble over the words or say ummmm.
Layla enjoyed the way Michael Rosen sometimes paused but he didn’t stop for a very long time.


Mr Winter said...

These are some of the Success Criteria the children suggested:

I have spoken the words carefully and clearly.
I have used expression to make the poem interesting.
I have learnt all the words off by heart.
I have changed the volume in my voice loud and quiet.
I have used facial expressions.

Mr Winter said...

On Tuesday we are going to start learning the poem Waves.

We are going to create a sound score that means we will think carefully about how to recite the poem by:

• Highlighting ‘juicy’ important words.
• Noting ideas for gestures.
• Deciding where you could pause or change pace.
• Thinking where its right to change the volume.

Mr Winter said...

The children in Class 3 want to take home the poem Waves to learn off by heart.

We will be performing the poem later in the week.

Try to learn at least a few lines really well.

Sophie said...

I might look at Waves on the computer.

From Sophie

Grace . G said...

I loved seeing over people performing poems. I also recognised a few people from over schools!
I think everyone was very creative and Mrs Glare was an excellent Director!