Friday, 29 January 2010

Karen Sum and family would like to...

send a message -

May peace prevail in Haiti! We wish people in Haiti a quick recovery from the tragedy.


We are thinking about all of the children in Haiti and would like to send love to all of the people of Haiti. xxx

Charlotte Weaver says...

Hello! I would just like to say I hope we reach the goal of £490!


Catherine Weaver says....

Hi everyone its me! I think that its really cool that we are helping Haiti - and I cant wait to wear my bunny ears!!

Hi again !!!

Emily and Jamie Hubball say - VILLA to win the CUP!!!!

Hello to all of our friends at Moor Hall.
Let's raise as much as we can to help the people of
Haiti!!! Thank you!!

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Have a Heart for Haiti

Don't forget to bring in 50p tomorrow for a chance to win the most magnificent teddy!!
Look at the pictures!!

Thanks to Archie for generously donating the prize!!!

Moorhens Japan Competition

We held a competition before Christmas about the country Japan. We asked children to find out what they could about the country, such as what people eat, what clothes they wear, or what their schools were like. We had two age groups, infants and juniors. Mr Steggall chose the two winners.The infant winner was Samhita Rao from year one and Faith Williams from year four. Both children won prizes and every child who entered recieved a certificate. All children really worked hard on their entries and they are displayed on the wall within the Moorhens room.Well done everyone! We will be holding more competitions in the near future, so watch this space!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Big Schools' Birdwatch

The class had a great time getting involved in the Big Schools' Birdwatch. Using binoculars and bird books we identified the birds flying past and those that landed too.

The results:-
Blackbird 1, Black-headed gull 15, Blue tit 2, Carrion crow 1, House sparrow 3, Magpie 2, Starling 2, Great tit 1, Greenfinch 1, Woodpigeon 5.

We had two visitors to help with the 'watch': Mr.Gosling and from the local R.S.P.B. group Mr Martin Fisher. Mr. Winter and I are grateful for their help and support.

You can see from the attached photos what a great time we had.

Thank-you to everyone involved.
Mrs. Glare

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Haiti Fundraising

Hello, this is Mrs Celia Winter, Mr Winter's Mum and Mrs Winter's mum in law!!!! Good luck with your fundraising as it is really important to think about the people of Haiti. They have experienced the most terrible event and the suffering will go on for ages.
We are very lucky here in England.

Mrs Winter (senior) will be donating some money to our appeal.

Mr Winter will be in trouble for calling his mum "senior"!!

Don't forget - Haiti "Blog-Raising" form is now online!

As promised yesterday, the blog-raising form is now available on the website, along with a new newsletter detailing the Shelterbox scheme and how you can get involved. Please do have a look and consider donations - our target is £490!

Thank you.

- Haiti Shelterbox Appeal Newsletter

- Haiti Shelterbox "Blog-Raising" Form

For more details:

Website Updates This Week

We've got plenty of new things to report on the site today!

For starters, we've had a big update with a great selection of children's work across the year groups. Here is a breakdown of the new additions:
Reception - Train collage
Year 2 - Iced-man experiments & work on pitch
Year 3 - New years resolutions & Kuang Li
Year 4 - Take a seat week 3 & work on pitch
Year 5 - Shugborough Hall visit & work on pitch
Year 6 - Work on pitch

On top of this, the latest class song words have now been uploaded to the Choir Page of the website, and the latest Handbell music has also been added.

The new Class Song Words are:
Reception - 5 Little Speckled Frogs, Alice The Camel, Supermum
Year 1 - Warm Up & Stomp, Supermum
Year 2 - Alphabet Athletics, Supermum
Year 3 - 7 Days of the Week
Year 4 - 7 Days of the Week
Year 5 - Be A Friend

The new handbell music is:
- Puff The Magic Dragon
- New World Symphony
- Oranges And Lemons

We have used less electricity..but only a bit less!!!!

Our electricity reading today 26th January 2010

This means that we have used 1371 units of electricity in the past week.

We have used slightly less electricity than last week!!!

Week 1 (one day school was closed)used 1111 units of electricity cost approx £ 66 (if 1 unit is 6p)

Week 2 used 1385 units of electricity cost approx £83 (if 1 unit is 6p)

Week 3 used 1371 units of electricity cost approx £82 (if 1 unit is 6p)

So this week we have used 14 fewer electricity units!!!! Thank you and well done!

So.... if you switched a light off when you left the room
turned off the monitor on the computer... good...
You have made the difference.
Now next week keep it up!!!

Thank you

Mr Winter

Monday, 25 January 2010


On Friday 29th January we will be holding a non uniform day. This will be in order to raise funds to purchase a shelter box to be sent to Haiti. The shelter box costs £490.

Children will be able to donate in the following ways:

- £1 donation to wear non uniform ( at least one red or blue item please)


- £1 donation to wear a fun hat (no charge for normal hats!)

We are hoping that you can support us with this appeal. Any additional donations will be gratefully received and a collection box will be in the school reception area.

School Blog-raising opportunity!

Would you like to see your name on our blog for a day? If so we will take donations and I will be only too pleased to put a message onto our school website blog for a day. This could be a family message, business information or simply a good will message. You can download a form from the website HERE and hand it in to the school office in a sealed envelope with your donation.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Steggall

Friday, 22 January 2010

Take a seat!

A big thank-you to everyone who supplied class 4 with boxes this week. Also a special acknowledgement to class 4's parents for providing the children with the required materials for their seats.

You'll be pleased to know that construction is well under way and that the children worked carefully and diligently, following their designs with great results.

Remember to follow our progress week by week by looking on the School web-site under class 4's work.

Mrs. Glare

Thursday, 21 January 2010


I am sure that you have seen on the news that there has been a terrible earthquake in Haiti.
There are many thousands of people who have been killed, injured and made homeless.
The School Council discussed the tragedy today and decided that we at Moor Hall should try to help those people affected.

We will be trying to raise enough money to send a 'shelter box' emergency kit.
If you go to you will find out more about the Shelter Box charity.

If we can raise £490 we can send a box which will contain blankets, medicine tents and other emergency aid.

We will tell the children more about how we intend to raise the money at school tomorrow (Friday).

Thank you to the School Council for their prompt action.

Mr Winter

Class 4's latest D&T Work!

Don't forget to check out the newest updates on class 4's Design and Technology project. The latest information can be found by clicking the link below:


Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Electricity update!

Our electricity reading today 19th January 2010

This means that we have used 1385 units of electricity in the past week.

We have used more than in the first week of term. This is is probably because there was no snow closure!

Week 1 used 1111 units of electricity cost approx £ 66 (if 1 unit is 6p)

Week 2 used 1385 units of electricity cost approx £83 (if 1 unit is 6p)

We are using a lot of electricity and it costs loads of money.
Can you think of ways that we can reduce our electricity usage at school?
Post a reply with your suggestions.
Thank you
Mr Winter

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Year 5 Shugborough Trip

Year 5 are off to Shugborough on Tuesday 19th! We will be dressing up as Victorians and finding out what life was like in a Victorian classroom and kitchen.

We're all looking forward to a fantastic day, I'll aim to get photos on the website as soon as possible.

Class 5 - please remember to wrap up warm as the weather may still be a bit chilly!

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Take a seat!

Class 4's 'Design and Technology' project this term is to design and construct a model chair for someone of their choice, producing a design that will reflect the person's character.

We've had a range of wonderful designs including chairs for Stig, Greg Rusedski and the Man on the Moon! Check out our progress weekly on Year 4's web page.

If you have any spare clean egg boxes, strong take-away pizza boxes or masking tape please send them to class 4 by Wednesday 20th January so construction can begin!

Thank you,
Mrs. Glare

Thursday, 14 January 2010

New on the Website This Week

There's been a lot of updates to the website this week, starting with some new work from the children:
Year 1 - Pitch
Year 2 - Gas, Liquid, Solid
Year 3 - Snowman Time
Year 4 - New Years Resolutions & Friendship Work

We've also had some new items added to the Events section in the form of 'Christmas Performances' and 'Fun in the Snow'.

As part of the 10:10 campaign (, we've also added a new Energy Saving page to the website. Check it out for some advice and information from various pupils across the year groups on how to care for our planet!

PLEASE ASSUME SCHOOL OPEN until further notice!

The school will remain open. Website notifications will only occur again if the weater deteriorates and there is a closure.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

School and Moorhens Open All Day

Please note that school will be open for the whole of the day and will close for children at 3.30. Moorhens will be open until 6pm as usual.

We are aware that some schools plan to close early but we will retain a normal working day.

Thank you.

School Open Wednesday

We will be open this morning. The roads are not good so please take care with your journey. Children will not be marked late by staff today.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


This morning, on 12Th January the electricity meter read 035828

This means that in the first week back at school we have used 1111 units of electricity!!

School has recently taken delivery of some portable electricity meters. This means that we will soon be able to measure how much electricity each class has used!!
Watch this space for more detail

Since 5th January 2010 Moor Hall School has used 1111 units of electricity which costs more that £65!!

Monday, 11 January 2010

10 10 flyers

Here is some more information about the 1010 campaign.
Read the information with Mum and Dad.
Then tell me what you think.

Come back soon to find out how many units of electricity we have used at school this week!!

Mr Winter

School Open

School is open today!

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Big Schools' Birdwatch

As mentioned before, class 4 are taking part in the R.S.P.B.'s Big Schools' Birdwatch. Around the country schools are identifying their top birds.

Children - can you try practising identifying the following birds ahead of the survey?

Blackbird, Black-headed gull, Blue tit, Carrion crow, Chaffinch, House sparrow, Magpie, Robin, Song thrush, Starling, Coal tit, Collared dove, Dunnock, Jackdaw, Great tit, Greenfinch, Long-tailed tit, Pied wagtail, Woodpigeon, Wren.

Check out the poster in class 4, look at bird identification books and ask Mrs. Glare!

Let's get familiar with these birds before the survey on January 27th.

Mrs. Glare

Here is a link to the R.S.P.B. A-Z of birds

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


It is our intention to open school tomorrow morning HOWEVER it is not possible to make a final decision until the extent of the overnight freeze has been ascertained. A final decision will be posted on the school website by 7am.

Please keep an eye on the website as it is a far more reliable means of accessing this information than the local radio.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Saving Electricity!!!

Moor Hall School has joined the campaign to use 10% less energy by the end of 2010!!!

This morning, the first school day of 2010, the school's electricity meter read 034717.

I will update the blog regularly so you can see how many units of electricity we are using every week.

Remember what I said in assembly this morning, our resolution for the new year should be to use less energy.

Turn off lights you don't need....

Think before you print.....

If we all do our little bit then we can help school save money and help the world look after itself!! If you follow this link you will find out more about the 10 10 campaign!

Monday, 4 January 2010

New Year / Bird watch

Happy New Year to all.
New date for the diary... 27.01.10 class4 will be taking part in the R.S.P.B. Big School Watch. Wear warm clothing!
Best Wishes,