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Using our blog is quite simple - just explore! Don't worry - you can't break it!

If you can't find what you're looking for, you can use any of the following methods to do so:
  • Click on a label - relevant ones are listed beneath each post and a full list is on the right-hand sidebar.
  • Browse the archive - also on the right-hand sidebar, this is basically an interactive list of contents!
  • Use the search bar - located at the top right of the blog. Just search for what you want and the results will be listed!
  • Use the Sort Posts page - Under the blog banner you will see a 'Sort Posts' link. This will take you to a list of the commonly searched items on our blog. Click on one to view all related posts.

We would also LOVE to hear your opinions, and value your feedback as a parent, pupil or just a visitor to our blog. Feel free to leave a comment on any of our blog posts, or tick the 'reaction' boxes to show what you thought of a post.

If you fancy leaving us a comment (and as mentioned we love to hear from anyone on our blog), please use the 'Name/URL' option to keep it as simple as possible. This will allow you to enter your name (you can leave the URL box blank) without having to sign up for an account. Alternatively, you can use the default 'anonymous' option, but often when this is used we don't know who has left us a comment!

All comments are moderated before being published, so there will be a delay on your comment appearing on our blog. However this does also mean that there will never be any inappropriate content published on this blog.

We hope you enjoy the read - have fun!