Friday, 26 February 2010

Draft Homework Policy Consultation (CLOSED)

Please find attached the school's draft homework policy. We would like you to look at the draft policy and submit your comments using the on-line feedback form. Paper copies will be available in school from Monday.

You can read the draft policy via

Homework Policy file:

The feedback page:

It will be very interesting to see how this consultation process works so will look forward to your feedback.

EDIT: The feedback duration is over. Thanks very much for the responses!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Cross-country Club

Cross-country Club on Wednesday 24th February will hopefully take place. It depends on the weather! A decision will be made at 2pm so please ring the school to check if it is on.

Telephone 675 3966.


Reception work on the website!

New to the website today we have a great picture drawn using a paint program on the computer. Well done to Benjamin H for drawing this excellent picture!

Reception Work: Painting - ICT

Year 6 trip pictures now up!

Year 6 - The pictures of your trip are now uploaded to the website so that you can download them, take a look at them and work out how you're going to use them.

They can be found by clicking on the image of Birmingham below:

The file is nearly 30MB and is in zip format, so it may take a few minutes to download and may need to be extracted to view the files.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Year 6 Birmingham trip photographs

Sorry Year 6, but Mr Hall didn't have time to put the file of photographs onto the website. So unfortunately you can't look at them tonight. Mr Pittaway will load them tomorrow. Sorry about this, but thank you for remembering to look! However, tonight you can still be planning out your piece of writing, deciding on what to include, deciding on what photographs you'd like to use etc

Paula Shindler

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Look Year Four!!!

Hi happy holiday everyone!!
Don't forget year 4 are going swimming on the first Monday back at school!!!
In the afternoon we have special cricket coaching too, so don't forget your PE kit and your swimming things!!!
Spread the word to all the Year 4 children you see!!
See you soon
Mr W

Friday, 12 February 2010

Shelterbox Presentation of £1000 for Haiti

Mr Steggall and members of the Moor Hall School Council proudly present a cheque for £1000 to Rotarian Cliff Blakemore on behalf of the Shelter Box Appeal.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

New School Newsletter

The latest school newsletter (dated February 5th) has been uploaded to the website today. Click here to view it if you missed the paper copy!

Also up on the site today is the final part to Year 4's Take A Seat project, and some work on Quest Stories by Year 3. Click the links below to have a look!

Year 3 - Quest Story
Year 4 - Take A Seat Week 5

Thursday, 4 February 2010


We have so far raised £939 for the Haiti appeal and we now need another £51 to buy a second shelter box! Thank you all so much.

A cheque will be presented to Rotary at our assembly on Thursday morning.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Updates to the Website

This week we have a few new additions to the website.

Year 4's progress this weeks with their D&T project has been added to the year 4 work page, alongside some photos of the Birdwatch they took part in.

Year 6 also have a new class song to practise. Lyrics can be downloaded from the choir page.

electricity February 2nd

Our electricity reading today 2nd February 2010 is

We have used 1009 units of electricity this week which is less than last week!
Well done everyone we have saved electricity and money!

Week 1 (one day school was closed)used 1111 units of electricity cost approx £ 66 (if 1 unit is 6p)

Week 2 used 1385 units of electricity cost approx £83 (if 1 unit is 6p)

Week 3 used 1371 units of electricity cost approx £82 (if 1 unit is 6p)

Week 4 used 1009 units of electricity cost approx £61 (if 1 unit is 6p)

So.... if you switched a light off when you left the room
turned off the monitor on the computer... good...
You have made the difference.
Now next week keep it up!!!