Tuesday, 24 January 2012

ICT Club Create Talking Avatars!

In Moor Hall ICT Club, we have been creating talking avatars using Voki and our Easi-Speak microphones. See some of our examples below:


Four Oaks Cluster Schemes and Activities

There are lots of great activities and useful schemes lead by the Four Oaks Cluster. Why not check out the latest crop of flyers to see if there's anything you're interested in?
Baby Signing - A 6 week course on baby signing, starting 24th February.
Enta - Free career support on Tuesdays.
Family Guys - Saturday sessions for male carers.
Grandparents Group - Coffee afternoons for grandparents who look after children.
Riding the Storm - A two-part workshop for parents with teenage children, running on the 3rd and 10th February.
Save a Baby's Life - Essential first aid and life saving day on Saturday 3rd March.
Terrific Tuesday - Free Honky Tonks taster session and Stay and Play, Tuesday 14th February.

To catch up with additional news from the cluster, why not bookmark the Four Oaks Cluster Website.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

More avatar creations from ICT Club!

This week in ICT Club, we have been continuing our work with avatars. Here are some more of our creations:

Latest Poll Results: Ideal Christmas Present

Click on the pie chart to the left to see the large version of what the Moor Hall Primary community wanted for Christmas this year. Books and videogames were top of the wishlist, closely followed by dolls or action figures and DVDs.
Hopefully everyone got what they wanted!

The latest poll has also now gone live - check the column on the right to answer a new poll about your favourite type of television programme.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Moor Hall in the News

We were delighted to find out that we came second in the list of the most popular schools in Birmingham for our 2011/12 Reception intake. We had 165 applications for 30 places at the school. This reflects the balance that we are able to achieve between high academic standards and the caring ethos that supports the development of the whole child.

This news acknowledges that we work together in a community where staff, governors and parents are determined to provide the very best opportunities for our children.

A huge well done to everyone!


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

ICT Club design their own avatars!

Today in ICT Club, we have been creating our own avatars using a range of websites and Paint programs. Avatars are useful to use online to protect our identities.

Some of the avatars we made are shown below - can you guess who they are?

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Year 6 Swimming

A reminder that children in Year 6 will be swimming tomorrow (Thursday) and so will need to bring their kits in to school. If you read this message then please can you remind your friends too. Thank you.

Happy New Year

A Happy New Year to you all from the staff at Moor Hall.