Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The New Addition to Moorhens

Moorhens thought they could make better use out of the unused decking area.

Staff came in at half term to clean the decking area and picnic bench.

Is this the next Guinness record?

Moorhens hope the children have many happy hours in the playhouse.

Moorhens children had a lovely surprise when they came into Moorhens on Tuesday afternoon. We kept the blinds closed for a while to make sure all children had  their toast before the big reveal. As you can see from the photo's, all the children piled into the playhouse and were so excited about what they had got to play with at Moorhens. Happy hours followed with drinks outside on the patio area, playing house and finally pretend sleepovers.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Moorhens and Extended School Questionnaire


A questionnaire has been sent out with children in relation to Moorhens and the Extending School Clubs. Could we kindly ask parents to complete and return all forms to either Moorhens or the school office, by Friday 28th June.

Thank You.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Cluster Concert - Year s 5 and 6

Opening the second night of musical entertainment for the Cluster Concert was daunting, but we are extremely proud of our representatives.  Well done, your singing was angelic.

Year 6 Community Tea

Congratulations Year 6 - another successful Community Tea - fabulous food, super service and marvelous musical entertainment.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Shops for Schools

A quick word to congratulate all the many children and parents who made our day running the Shop for Schools in Sutton such a success.

I'm afraid I have no pictures to show you at the moment..there may be some to be uploaded by Monday.

We must also thank Miss Jones for organising the whole experience and staying at the shop all day.

When I saw her at about 4.30 we were well on our way to meeting the fundraising target of £500 towards new playground toys.

I hope the children involved enjoyed the experience of running a shop.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Year 5 Visit to Whittington Barracks

Wow! What a day!  

Our achievement target today,was to learn something new through relevant questioning.   We hope a collection of photographs from our day learning about World War II.
Special thanks to Mrs Long, Mrs Newbould, Miss Richardson &       Mrs Russell.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Shops For Schools - Saturday 22nd June 2013

Come and join us in The Mall, Sutton Coldfield from 9 a.m. until 5.30 p.m.

From Foundation Stage to Year 6, the children have been engaged in the production of distinctive pieces of art work from silk painting to photographic prints. Originial art work from just £2.50.
Professional framing is available at an additional cost. Just look how good this art work looks...


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Highwayman

Year 5 pupils worked collaboratively to produce their rendition of 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. Please enjoy...

Year 4 Habitat Work reminder

Calling all the children in Year Four

Don't forget we are creating the animal habitats tomorrow (Wednesday).

You need to bring all the things to build the habitat to school.

Think about the plan you made last week....

Did you need a shoe box?  a plastic bottle?  string? anything else ?

Bring you materials to school tomorrow PLEASE!!!!

Mr Winter

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Local Historians Visits Year 5

Year 5 were privileged to have a visit from two local historians on Tuesday 11th June 2013.  We received a delivery of 15 original newspapers from World War II as well as many other artifacts.

Saturday, 15 June 2013


A HUGE thank you to all who worked so hard to put on our Summer Fayre today. Your hard work and commitment to our school is very much appreciated. You all really make a difference at Moor Hall.

Friday, 14 June 2013

R.S.P.B. Bronze Wildlife Award

Over the past weeks Mrs. Glare's 'Bird Club' have been working towards their RSPB Wildlife Awards, making bird food, hedgehog boxes, raising funds, visiting a reserve, recycling and collecting litter.

The first stage awards are Bronze: well done to all the children who have achieved this Award. In assembly today Mr.Martin Fisher from the RSPB. presented their certificates along with stickers and a badge.We are very proud of our achievements. Kate achieved the award too - we're sorry she missed the assembly.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Shops for Schools

In preparation for our Shops for Schools project, Year 5 have created a selection of watercolour paintings:

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Our train ride

As promised, a couple of pictures from our trip on the narrow gauge railway at Kingsbury Water Park.

With thanks to Mrs Tidman for the pictures and  Mr Martin for arranging the ride.

By the way Mr Winter was not half as grumpy as he looks in the photo!!!

Design a Royal Stamp Competition

 Moorhens and the Extended School clubs had a compitition for the children to design a stamp to commemorate the forthcoming birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridges baby.
We had lots of entries for the competition and Miss Jones found it quite hard to decide on just two winners due to such a high calibre of designs sent in.

The winner of the Junior competition was Elley Criddle age 11, who designed a union jack baby carriage.
The winner of the infants was Sophie Matthewson age 5, who designed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their new baby in a cradle.
Both girls received a £10 book voucher and their entries will be sent off to the palace.

All children who entered received a certificate in taking part.

A big thank you and well done to all the children who entered. You all did a fantastic job and hope to see your entries again in any future competitions we have at Moorhens.

Junior winner - Elley Criddle age 11 (yr 6)

Infant winner - Sophie Matthewson age 5 (yr R)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

What a Fabulous Day at Kingsbury Water Park

Today Class 4 spent the whole day at Kingsbury Water Park. The children built shelters, went mini-beast hunting, pond dipping, had a ride on the Echills Wood Railway and finished the day with baked potatoes and marshmallows cooked on an open fire.

We returned to school at 7.30- What a fab day.

I  would like to compliment the children on their excellent behaviour and attitude throughout the day.

Can I also thank all the adults who helped throughout the day- making it memorable for us all.

Here are a few photos to show you a little of our day.

Den building

Writing a diary at lunch time (without being prompted!)

                                                                Pond dipping

      Mini Beast hunting

                                                                           Playing on the field

                                                                       At the fireside

There are lots more photos. I'll sort more out for you soon.

By the way, the photos of the train ride aren't on my camera so they will have to wait for another day! (sorry Charlie)