Thursday, 22 May 2014

Half Term Homework Year 3

The Year 3 homework for this half term is available on the website.

There are no spellings this week!

Capacity work in Year 3

Year 3 took advantage of the warm weather, to investigate capacity as the sun shone. Measuring the capacity of an array of different sized containers was lots of fun.The children worked with Mrs Collins and she took the photos.

Many thanks Mrs Collins, for all your hard work.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Harry Potter Experience The Thoughts and Memories of the Children in Class 3

During our ICT lesson the children in Class 3 will be using the blog to record their memories of our recent trip to the Harry Potter Experience.

Come back tomorrow to see what they say!

Monday, 19 May 2014

Harry Potter Experience photos

I have at last managed to get  a few of the photographs we took during last week's trip up onto the website.
Please go to the Year 3 area for a look.

Vango yourself with Class 3

Over the weekend there was a national project launched to get everyone interested in art. One of the ideas is that people recreate famous paintings. The project is called VanGo Yourself! 

Class 3 recreated The Last Supper which was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. 
I have put a copy of the original artwork and our recreations on the Moor Hall site along with a link to the VanGoYourself website.

Extended School Clubs (June-July)

Clubs going ahead next term:

Monday - Cricket  (places still available)

Tuesday - Lego Club (places still available)

Wednesday - Musical Theatre (places still available)

Thursday - Tennis (places still available)
Thursday - (Arts & Crafts)

Friday - Mini Athletics (places still available)

Clubs not going ahead next term:

Climate Action Club (cancelled due to lack of interest)

Friday, 16 May 2014

Climate Award warriors at work!

Children who are taking part in the RSPB Climate Action Awards got busy this morning painting the fence around the school pond.

This Award looks at ways all of us can help reduce the effects that Climate Change will have on the Earth. It shows us how 'every little helps' - we can all do something to make a difference. The children have been taking part in various activities over the last few weeks to help save our planet. Today their focus was to take part in making our school more attractive to wildlife.

We all had fun while doing something to help combat climate change.

You too can find out how to take action for climate change at home and school - all those who complete this Award will gain a certificate and badge. If you're interested, please join via Moorhens.

Scholastic Book Orders

Thank you for orders already received. I will be placing the orders on Tuesday so if you have any last minute orders please can you get them into the office by end of day on Monday 19th May.

Thank you for your continued support. Every order you make helps towards school funds.

Mrs Evans

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Harry Potter Experience

I've just sat down with a cup of tea after a lovely day at the Harry Potter Experience  with Class 3. We've seen all sorts of things Potter and I know everyone had a great day. I will put up some pictures of the day tomorrow. A big thank you to Mrs Russell, Mrs Gore and Ms Pitt for helping to make the day so successful.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Ladybirds Update!

New galleries have been added to the Ladybirds' class page.

Click here to see what we have been up to over the last few weeks!

The Ladybirds Team

Friday, 9 May 2014

Lord Mayor's Parlour Visit

We were thrilled when children from Y5 and Y6 were invited back to the Council House after impressing the Lord Mayor of Birmingham and his colleagues during the 'Citizenship Week Debate'. We are all very proud of them. 
The children had a memorable morning with the Lord Mayor. This included refreshments and a tour of the parlour. The Lord Mayor gave the children lots of interesting information all about the history of the City of Birmingham and how key elements of local government function. 
We would like to express sincere thanks to the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Mrs Brew and staff at the Council House for giving our children such a wonderful opportunity.
More details are on our website under news/ special events.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Moorhens & Extended School Clubs Booking Forms

Moorhens and the Extended School Club booking forms will be sent out in the childrens red bags tomorrow (Friday 9th May). If for any reason you do not have a copy, extra copies will be available from the school porch, office and Moorhens or will be available to download from Tuesday 13th May off the school web site.

Next term will be a 7 week term. All clubs except tennis will cover the whole 7 weeks. Tennis will cover 6 of those weeks, therefore, there will be no tennis on Thursday 17th July (last week of term). Arts & Crafts will still be going ahead as normal that day.

Moorhens Art Competition Winners

As you know its Moor Hall Schools 50th Anniversary this year and to celebrate this, Moorhens held an art competition. We asked the children to make a collage to include anything over the last 50 years. The winners for the competition were notified in assembly on May 1st. All children received a certificate and  chocolate for all their hard work.

Winners from yr 1 and yr 6 and two children who were highly commended for their lovely art work, from yr 4 and yr 6.

Junior Winner: Antonina yr 6

Infant Winner: Sophia yr 1

Well done to all the children who entered the competition. The children's art work will be displayed in Moorhens room.