Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Photographs of this evening;'s performance of 'The Tempest' have been added to our school website.

Team Photographs

As you are aware, we have decided to make team photographs available via download this year. This is in order to provide a more cost effective means of accessing the pictures during the year in which we also have a 50th anniversary picture available for purchase.

The photographs will be taken off line next Thursday (24th July) as they are high resolution.

The photographs are available via our news/ special events page.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Extended School Clubs September-October Term

Clubs going ahead next term:

Arts & Crafts

There are places still available on all the above clubs. Please send in booking forms with payments to Moorhens as soon as possible.

Clubs cancelled due to lack of interest:


A sneak preview!

We were fortunate enough to have a preview of Y6's performance of 'The Tempest'. If you haven't got a ticket then I strongly recommend that you come and join us on either Wednesday evening or Thursday evening. Year 6 have certainly put heart and soul into this performance!

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading 

I thought there would be lots of children interested in this summer reading challenge.
Get down to the library and get your nose into a book!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Extended School Clubs Status

There are places still available for all clubs for the September-October term. If you wish for your child to attend one of these clubs, please return your booking forms into Moorhens before next Thursday (17th July). Late bookings can result in clubs being cancelled due to lack of Interest.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Rotary Community Award 8th July

Congratulations to all of the Y6 children who completed the Junior Rotary Community award. We are all very proud of you. Special thanks to Mrs Curwen for leading and inspiring the children.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

A Memorable Day

We all had a wonderful day on Saturday. The combination of great entertainment, sunshine and a fantastic atmosphere made for a memorable 50th Anniversary celebration. Sincere thanks go to Lisa, Roy, Claire and John and their team of PA members - without your vision and hard work this could not have happened.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Moorhens Booking Forms


Yr 1 & 2 September classes have not had their booking forms  for the September-October term, therefore booking forms will be handed out with registration forms on Monday afternoon. If you need to book your child in to a club before then, booking forms are available from the porch,  the office, or they are available from Moorhens. Also forms will be available to print from the school web site from Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday Netball:

This club is for years 4 & 5 only, as stated on the club booking form.