Friday, 23 October 2015

November-December Extended School Clubs

All clubs for the November - December term will be going ahead as planned.

Monday - Fencing - FULL

Tuesday - Wildlife Club - FULL

Tuesday - Netball - Places still available

Wednesday - Gymnastics - FULL

Thursday - Arts & Crafts - FULL

Friday - Football - places still available

If you need to book any of the above clubs that are still available, please send in your booking forms with full payment (payable to Moor Hall School), as soon as possible after half term.

Class 2 Page Update - Autumnal Art Work

Well where has that first half term gone?!  They do say time flies when you're having fun! 
Today we had a creative art day.  We have produced some wonderful leaf pictures and Halloween hand prints.  I have uploaded them onto the 'Children's Work' section of the Year 2 page.   

I hope you all have a lovely half term break. 
Have a super week!  See you soon :)

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

A tour of the school in French!

Today the children from Year 6 took the pupils from Year 3 on a tour of our school. The  unusual element of the tour was that it was conducted in French!
Well done to Year 6, Class 3 were very impressed by your efforts and they learned lots of new French vocabulary too!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Wildlife Action Award

Today in assembly 12 children received their Silver Wildlife Action Award.
There is  PowerPoint presentation that explains what the children have done to achieve this award which we will upload as soon as possible.
Well done to all the children that achieved the award.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

School Council in action

The children in Year 5 requested more skipping ropes to use at lunchtime. Mrs Hanlon has bought the ropes and now all the children on the school council are going back to their classes to discuss how to use the new equipment safely and fairly. The children were also concerned that everyone should use the trim trail and gym sensibly so they are going to talk about that with the classes too.

The year 6 children told their school councillors that they wanted new white boards to write on in class for maths and literacy. When the School Council met the other children agreed. After finding out his much they would cost  Ellen and Ben wrote a letter to the PA  requesting some money to spend on enough white boards for everyone in school.
The PA agreed to the request and now Miss Jones is in the process of ordering the equipment.

Mr Winter would like to say well done to the School Council . Keep up the good work and your enthusiasm.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

And the winners are ...

As promised we revealed the house team winners of the Inter House Cross Country in our Star Writer's assembly this morning.  Well done to Ennis House in Class 1 and Armstrong House in Class 2 for picking up first prize.  A huge well done to all KS1 children for their fantastic effort and sportsman ship! 


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Class 2 Update

What a tiring day here in Class 2 ... The children competed in an Inter-House Cross Country competition today where they had to run 3 laps of the field!!  I was tired just watching them.  All children worked really hard and definitely worked up a sweat.  The winning team will be announced tomorrow in our Star Writer's Assembly.   This afternoon children have been doing some follow up work after our trip to Cadbury World.  In literacy on Monday children wrote recounts of our day so in our computing session today children used these to create a recount with photographs on the Ipads.  I have uploaded both photographs and children's work onto our section of the website. 

Monday, 12 October 2015

Space Station tonight Tuesday

The NASA space station is orbiting the earth all the time. It  passed over the UK at 7.16 and 8.51 yesterday. I've seen it up in the sky. It is a very bright white light moving very fast.
It will come around again at 7.59 tonight (Tuesday) so if you are still up have a look out of the window to see if you can see it.
The space station is 150 miles above the earth and has 7 scientists working in it! Why don't you give them a wave?
Follow this link to find out more....

PA meeting

Reminder that the next PA meeting is Wednesday14th October 7.30 in the school hall, we will be voting in a new secretary, discussing the Christmas fair, and lots more😀 Come and join in with the festive preparations🎅🏻

Friday, 9 October 2015

Class 2 Page Update ... Cadbury World!

Wow ... what another busy and quick week.  The weeks are flying by (must be having lots of fun!).  I have updated the Class 2 page with some photographs of our shape work in Numeracy this week and also added the photographs from Cadbury World today.  We had such a fantastic time!  The children really enjoyed it and behaved themselves impeccably.  They represented Moor Hall brilliantly - a real credit to you and the school! Thank you again to all of the Class 2 parents for supporting and funding our trip.  Enjoy the photographs and free chocolate! :)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

National Poetry Day

To celebrate National Poetry Day  the children in Class 3 have been reading the poem When Daddy Fell into the Pond by Alfred Noyse. It has made us all laugh.
We will be turning the poem into prose tomorrow, This means we will be writing in sentences using adjectives and noun phrases to make our work interesting.

On Friday we will be performing the poem to each other.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

First Golden Rule Sticker achieved in Class 2!

Today, Sophia received the first sticker for our golden plates.  Sophia has received a sticker for our golden rule 'Do be polite' as she ALWAYS uses her manners with teachers and children.  A wonderful example to the rest of the class.  Good girl Sophia ... 6 stickers to go until that special reward! :)

Class Three are using persuasive language...

This week the children have been discussing the statement 'Football should be banned at school'. Everyone has taken a  character with a different point of view.  We have 'teachers', 'caretakers',' head teachers',' parents', 'children', 'football coaches'  and even a 'couch potato'.

 Tomorrow we are going to have a debate in the classroom where we can each argue our point of view.

The children in Class Three have worked hard and enjoyed their literacy work this week.
Well done.