Friday, 18 December 2015

Jan-Feb External School Clubs

All clubs for the Jan-Feb term will be going ahead as planned.

Monday : VX - FULL
Tuesday: Dance - places still available
Wednesday: Gymnastics - FULL
Thursday: Arts & Crafts - FULL
Friday: Football - places still available

If your child is interested in any of the available clubs listed  above, please send in your booking form with full payment as soon as possible to Moorhens to secure a place.

Merry Christmas from Moorhens! 

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Aladdin Trouble

We all loved taking part in this year's Christmas production!
Everyone in class 3 and 4 did their very best learning lines and singing beautifully.
Well done everyone.
Miss Hall has put some photos of the class 4 children 'in character ' which you can see in the year 4 area of the website.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

KS1 Christmas Party!

Well what an afternoon we have had here in KS1!!  We had lots of fun at our party.  I have uploaded some photographs to the Year 2 section of the website ... As you can probably tell some of the children got their hands on the camera towards the end of the disco and took a few cheeky selfies! :)

Friday, 11 December 2015

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Choir Arrangements for the Mitchell Centre

Dear Parent / Guardian,

Our first ‘gig’ for the Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 choir is fast approaching; Saturday 12th December 2015… TOMORROW!!! I have to say I am really excited. Thank you for your support because, at the end of the day, without you transporting your children to and from an array of venues, opportunities like this simply aren’t possible; thank you.

Saturday 12th December 2015 – The Mitchell Centre Sutton Coldfield

Children can wear Christmas jumpers and if possible a Christmas hat! (Please do not buy them – I have a few we can loan). If your child uses an inhaler, please be sure to bring their medication from home. We will not be taking the inhalers from school. Please could you also ensure that your child has been to the toilet before they meet us. We will be unable to take children to the public toilets.

Mr Watts and I will meet the children at 12:45pm at the centre. Please park in the main car park and walk through the covered walkway towards the Hungry Horse. If the weather is wet, we will meet under the covered walkway, if not, in the open. One thing is certain it will be chilly, so please wrap up warm; hats, scarves and gloves.

Please do not leave your child unattended, keeping your child safe is the priority given that it is such a busy time of year for shoppers. Please ensure that Mr Watts or Mrs Collins has acknowledged receiving your child. Could we please also request that you do not leave the Mitchell Centre. We are responsible for your child when they are singing, but ultimately the visit can only take place if parental responsibility, whilst visiting the Mitchell Centre, is acknowledged.

We will be singing from 13:00 to 13:45/14:00 (we could be repeating some songs!), so enjoy wandering around the shops or having a coffee, as we entertain both yourselves and shoppers whilst raising money for the Birmingham Crisis Centre.

See you all on Saturday.

Karen Collins

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Falconry Display

Children who are working towards their RSPB Gold Wildlife Explorer's Awards had fun attending a falconry display in the school hall in their 'Bird Club' time. Children who already have the gold award and the RSPB Climate Award also attended.

We saw a variety of birds flying: owls including a beautiful Spectacled Owl, a kestrel and a majestic Harris Hawk.The Golden Eagle was large and grand but a little nervous, however the Little Owl was cocky and very noisy! The talk was interesting and informative and we learnt lots of new facts about raptors and owls. 

The event was a fitting treat for all the children's hard work and perseverance in gaining these awards. 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Moorhens Paper Chain Race

Moorhens children had their annual Christmas paper chain race this afternoon. There were two teams of 12 either side. The children had to race against time to get the longest paper chain they could. There was a lot of shouting and excitement, but in the end the team with an impressive  60 links long won. Each child received a small gift for all their hard work. Well done to all the children who took part.