Friday, 22 December 2017

Merry Christmas from all at Moor Hall

What better way to wish you all a very Merry Christmas than with a song from more of our talented pupils

A Starry Night

We are exceptionally proud of all our pupils at Moor Hall.  In particular this outstanding solo performance was just too good not to share.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Moor Hall School's Road Safety Video

Road Safety Week was at the end of November, and while focusing on this important issue, pupils in Year 5 learned Moor Hall's Road Safety song to teach us some important DOs and DON'Ts for staying safe around roads and cars. The rest of the school then enjoyed learning the song in assembly too!

With all the weather disruptions of last week, we've been a bit delayed getting this up, but you can now watch our Road Safety video - why not have a look below! 

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Monday, 18 December 2017

KS1 Christmas Performance

Some photographs of the KS1 Christmas show have been posted on our website under NEWS/SPECIAL EVENTS.

More to follow.

Reception Christmas Nativity

I have posted some pictures of the Nativity on to the Ladybirds' webpage under 'Children's Work'. A great performance - well done!

Children / Ladybirds/ Children's Work

Relective Road Safety Tags

GREAT NEWS - All children will receive a reflective key tag today. This can go on to book bags or on to the zips of their coats. The key tags have been obtained through the THINK road safety website. This is a government site and can be accessed via the following link -

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Moor Hall's Christmas Concert last night

Last night we had a really significant number of children performing - they sang and played their instruments with confidence and skill. Music is growing at Moor Hall - for example, we have 27 guitarists, 24 'cellists and a very enthusiastic and able choir. This is in addition to our groups of woodwind, keyboard and string players. Well done everyone - we are all very proud of you.

THANK YOU for your gifts

Mr Steggall's car is now full of gifts, ready to be delivered to Father Christmas. We are all so grateful to all of you who have kindly donated. These gifts will bring smiles to the faces of a lot of children who have to live in sheltered accommodation with very few belongings. THANK YOU. You will make a difference.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Christmas Concert at St James 7pm tonight

We are all looking forward to our special KS2 concert this evening. Please can children who have instruments arrive at the church from 6.30 ? All other children should arrive at 6.45 so that we can start at 7pm. The concert should last for just over an hour.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Y5 Visit to the Black Country Museum

The Y5 visit on Thursday will go ahead as planned.

Christmas Concert tomorrow evening.

We are planning for our annual Christmas Concert at St James to go ahead as planned tomorrow evening. Although we may not be as well practiced as we would like to have been it will be a special evening. It is an important community event in our school calendar.

Moor Hall school open tomorrow

Moor Hall will be open tomorrow. Moorhens will be open as usual from 8am.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Thank you

Thanks to those who helped us try to grit the road and clear the pathways this afternoon and to Mr Gwillym who worked so hard to clear the site this morning. Mrs Gee, your mince pies were lovely. Thank you.

Moor Hall School Closed 12th December 2017

School is closed on Tuesday 12th December. We have tried to grit the road immediately outside of the entrance but the roads remain dangerous and freezing conditions tonight will make it treacherous.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Moorhens Extended School Club Status

Extended School clubs for the January-February term:

Monday: Coordination/Parachute Games Club - places still available

Tuesday: Wildlife Club - FULL

Wednesday: Netball club - 2 places left

Thursday: Arts & Crafts Club - Places still available

Friday: Football Club - 4 places left

If you are interested in your child joining one of our Extended School Clubs for the January-February term, please hand in your booking forms to Moorhens as soon as possible as there are limited places available.

Year 5's reverse Christmas advent calendar

This December, Year 5 pupils will be supporting the Sutton Coldfield foodbank by donating non-perishable food to help those less fortunate. If you would also like to help, please send any donations to the Year 5 classroom anytime between now and 22/12/17.

Thanking you for your support,

Year 5

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Thank you to our PA

Our new Christmas decorations are up - and it is all thanks to the kindness and dedication of our PA team. A huge thank you from us all.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Children in Need Animation

We have created a stop motion video to show how busy we were on Friday afternoon during our fundraising efforts in aid of Children in Need.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Our Fabulous Scientists

What a wonderful discussion we have just had with two of our Y5 scientists. Their investigative work was outstanding, as was the discussion that followed. VERY well done!

Anti-Bullying Week Poem

Earlier in November it was Anti-Bullying Week. Year 3 learnt a poem about bullying - why not click below to have a watch?

Road Safety Week - The Green Cross Code

Why not have a watch of some of our children acting out the Green Cross Code?

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Reflective Arm Bands WE NEED YOUR HELP

School Council are fund raising to purchase reflective arm bands for all of the children at Moor Hall. Clearly we would like to have these as soon as we can. If anyone is able to provide sponsorship (we think we can use this as publicity too) then please can you let us know. Reflective arm bands could be a life saver!

We would like £200 total of sponsorship to supplement fund raising by the children. The sooner we can purchase them the better.

Please can you retweet this message? Thank you.

ONE DIRECTION at Moor Hall !!

Now we have your attention - please observe our voluntary one way system. ONE DIRECTION of traffic helps us make our school a safer place. The only incidents I am aware of over the past 11 years have been where parents have changed direction.

The Green Cross Code


Children in Y3 have been doing some very important work about the Green Cross Code. We will publish their video shortly. In the mean time the Green Cross Code is available by clicking here.

20 is PLENTY Road Safety Week

20 is PLENTY

Please watch the video below -

This page helps to show the difference that slowing down can make.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Be Bright Be Seen Cake Sale

Next Tuesday the School Council are holding a cake sale.  We are raising money to buy every child a reflective armband so they can be seen during the darker evenings.

Please buy a cake from us after school:)

Children In Need Photos
Please visit the Events page on our school website to see some photos of last Friday's fundraising activities that were organised by Year 6.  In total we raised £723.36.  £191.05 was raised from our non-uniform day and a whopping £532.31 was raised as a result of the activities provided by Year 6.  A fantastic achievement,  well done to everyone and thank you for your contributions!!!

Monday, 20 November 2017

Children in Need We raised £723.36

We raised £723.36 for Children in Need on Friday. Year 6 raised £532.31 from their fund raising ventures last Friday afternoon - an AMAZING achievement.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Thank you PA

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful PA members who helped this evening. This disco was once again a huge success! Truly appreciated.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Magazines and pictures needed please Year 4

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow Year 4 will be writing poetry on the theme of ‘A view from the window’.

To help us gain inspiration, the children will be creating a mood board. For this we will need plenty of pictures from magazines, travel brochures and other colourful pictorial publications.

Please could you send them in with the children tomorrow?

Thank you for your help.

C Hall                         R Winter

Monday, 16 October 2017

Year 1 have had a fantastic day at the Thinktank Museum. Please check our class page to see all the fun things we got up to!

Behaviour Audit - Your views are important to us.

Dear Parents.

Your views are important to us!
Moor Hall School Behaviour Audit will be available until 6pm Friday 20th October.
Visit and enter the following information:

School code: MHALL2

Parent passcode: 774357

You can also log in automatically using these links:

Parent survey login

Thank you for your continuing support.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Moorhens Request

Parents can you please help us - we are in need of:

Arts & Crafts
Oversized shirts for aprons
Yogurt pots
Toilet roll tubes

Toys and Games:
Barbie accessories
Super heroes, such as Batman, Spiderman etc
Board games (suitable for 4-11 year olds) - no jigsaws
Wii games (suitable for 4-11 year olds)
Baby doll accessories

Please hand any items you are wishing to donate to Moorhens staff
Thank You

Monday, 2 October 2017

Anglo Saxon Houses

Well done to all those children in Year 4 who created fantastic Anglo Saxon house.


Sunday, 1 October 2017

Street Dance Team at Arthur Terry

Our Street Dance team gave an impressive performance at Arthur Terry School yesterday. A huge well done to everyone :)

Monday, 18 September 2017

Moorhens Booking Forms

Moorhens booking forms for the 2017-2018 academic year will be sent out on the following dates:

Date                                                                           Booking Term

Mon 25th September                                                  November - December
Mon 27th November                                                   January - February
Mon 22nd January                                                      February - April
Mon 5th March                                                           April - May
Mon 30th April                                                           June - July
Mon 25th June                                                           September - October

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Meet and Greet Sessions Re-arranged

The  Meet and Greet the Teacher sessions have been re-arranged for Wednesday 27th September.  2 sessions will run at 7:00 - 7:30 and 7:45 to 8:15.  They will be held in your child(ren)'s classroom.  A letter will be sent out in book bags to confirm.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Our first week in Year 1!

Year 1 have had a brilliant first week back at school. Please check our Year 1 page to see what we have been up to!

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

13th September is Roald Dahl Day

Remember that 13th September is Roald Dahl Day. There are plenty of easy and cheap home made costume ideas available on the Internet.

For example -

The big question is...... will Mr Winter wear his usual BFG ears? We will wait and see!

Meet and Greet Meetings 14th September POSTPONED

We have arranged our 'Meet and Greet' sessions on 14th September. The 7pm session will be repeated at 7.45 pm in order to give parents with more than one child the opportunity to attend each class.

The sessions will give important information about the curriculum and the systems for each year group so we encourage you to attend.

We are aware that AT are running one of their open sessions on this evening and hope that the later session will give enough time to be able to get back from AT for those of you who are intending on attending their open session that starts at 6pm.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

School Dinners Today

This morning at approximately 11am the gas flow to the kitchen failed. A great start to the week! Janet, our cook, advised that the chicken curry was not absolutely at the correct temperature so emergency procedures were implemented - a quick dash to the local store for baked beans and toast.

In the end the children were offered several hot and cold choices (minus the chicken curry) and many were glad of the baked bean alternative for today. We are confident that the gas situation will be resolved by the time meals are prepared in the morning and we apologise for any inconvenience.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Expansion Blog Update 9 - National Schools Adjudicator's Determination

Statutory proposal to Moor Hall Primary School
Case reference: STP632

The adjudicator, Dr Bryan Slater, has reached a decision on the above case.  

A copy of his determination is published on the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) website.  The determination can be accessed by entering the case reference number in the search box of the link:

Once a determination is issued the adjudicator is “functus officio” which means his statutory role is completed and neither he nor anyone else in the OSA can make any comment on matters considered within the determination.  The only route of appeal against the determination is by a judicial review, information on which can be found at:

Expansion Update August 24th 2017

We have added a statement from BCC regarding the proposed expansion of our school. This can be found under news/ correspondence.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Sports Award

On Tuesday we presented the winner of our Clewer trophy for sporting excellence. Many congratulations.

Goodbye Y6

On Tuesday we said goodbye to our fabulous Y6 class.

Ladybirds said goodbye to the butterflies

They watched the butterflies hatch from cocoon then released them in to the wild. A memorable day.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Sports Day

Well done to everyone who took part in our KS2 Sports Day this morning. The overall winners were Ennis. I have attached some photos to this blog. Thank you to Mrs Petty for doing such a wonderful job of organising this.