Thursday, 24 August 2017

Expansion Blog Update 9 - National Schools Adjudicator's Determination

Statutory proposal to Moor Hall Primary School
Case reference: STP632

The adjudicator, Dr Bryan Slater, has reached a decision on the above case.  

A copy of his determination is published on the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) website.  The determination can be accessed by entering the case reference number in the search box of the link:

Once a determination is issued the adjudicator is “functus officio” which means his statutory role is completed and neither he nor anyone else in the OSA can make any comment on matters considered within the determination.  The only route of appeal against the determination is by a judicial review, information on which can be found at:

Expansion Update August 24th 2017

We have added a statement from BCC regarding the proposed expansion of our school. This can be found under news/ correspondence.