Thursday, 30 November 2017

Thank you to our PA

Our new Christmas decorations are up - and it is all thanks to the kindness and dedication of our PA team. A huge thank you from us all.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Children in Need Animation

We have created a stop motion video to show how busy we were on Friday afternoon during our fundraising efforts in aid of Children in Need.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Our Fabulous Scientists

What a wonderful discussion we have just had with two of our Y5 scientists. Their investigative work was outstanding, as was the discussion that followed. VERY well done!

Anti-Bullying Week Poem

Earlier in November it was Anti-Bullying Week. Year 3 learnt a poem about bullying - why not click below to have a watch?

Road Safety Week - The Green Cross Code

Why not have a watch of some of our children acting out the Green Cross Code?

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Reflective Arm Bands WE NEED YOUR HELP

School Council are fund raising to purchase reflective arm bands for all of the children at Moor Hall. Clearly we would like to have these as soon as we can. If anyone is able to provide sponsorship (we think we can use this as publicity too) then please can you let us know. Reflective arm bands could be a life saver!

We would like £200 total of sponsorship to supplement fund raising by the children. The sooner we can purchase them the better.

Please can you retweet this message? Thank you.

ONE DIRECTION at Moor Hall !!

Now we have your attention - please observe our voluntary one way system. ONE DIRECTION of traffic helps us make our school a safer place. The only incidents I am aware of over the past 11 years have been where parents have changed direction.

The Green Cross Code


Children in Y3 have been doing some very important work about the Green Cross Code. We will publish their video shortly. In the mean time the Green Cross Code is available by clicking here.

20 is PLENTY Road Safety Week

20 is PLENTY

Please watch the video below -

This page helps to show the difference that slowing down can make.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Be Bright Be Seen Cake Sale

Next Tuesday the School Council are holding a cake sale.  We are raising money to buy every child a reflective armband so they can be seen during the darker evenings.

Please buy a cake from us after school:)

Children In Need Photos
Please visit the Events page on our school website to see some photos of last Friday's fundraising activities that were organised by Year 6.  In total we raised £723.36.  £191.05 was raised from our non-uniform day and a whopping £532.31 was raised as a result of the activities provided by Year 6.  A fantastic achievement,  well done to everyone and thank you for your contributions!!!

Monday, 20 November 2017

Children in Need We raised £723.36

We raised £723.36 for Children in Need on Friday. Year 6 raised £532.31 from their fund raising ventures last Friday afternoon - an AMAZING achievement.