Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Balfour Beatty Assembly

Balfour Beatty delivered an assembly to all the children about site safety this morning. They are also launching a competition, details to follow.

Expansion Update 27th February 2018

We return after half term with quite a few changes. During the holiday ground was cleared where the old secret garden was situated. This is to free up space for the bulk of the building work on the new block.

One of the striking things about this picture is the visibly poor condition of the existing building. In 2009 the school received in excess of £32k pa for capital work. In 2010 this was cut to £6k pa to cover building maintenance and ICT infrastructure. This has meant that during the past 7 years we have had very little funding in order to maintain our school building. £6k would hardly scratch the surface of what is required on a maintenance program. Sadly, this continues to be an issue for us.

During the holiday some asbestos was removed from the boiler house. This was mainly 'spillage' on ladders that are in the boiler house. The boiler house had been cleaned of asbestos by the LA seven years ago. The asbestos was fully contained within the boiler house and posed no threat to any of the children.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Sikh and Hindu Workshops

Ladybirds have had a great start to their school day. The staff have also been joining in! Workshops are going to continue throughout today. Lots to learn.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Arthur Terry SKITT

Today we welcome students from ATLP to see how we teach French across our school. Mrs Winter is leading the training. At Moor Hall we teach French to pupils in both KS1 and KS2. The children in Y1 sang a French song and our visitors really enjoyed listening to it.  @ALTP

Expansion Update 15th February 2018

This week there has been further progress with the temporary car park. The area on the photograph below will eventually form the staff car park, once expansion has been completed. This will mean that we will be able to have fewer staff cars on the road outside of school. Great news for everyone!

A good proportion of the car park will be created by removing overgrown areas of 'scrubland'. This area below is part of the new car park. The area at the bottom of the page is being cleared so that we can build a forest school learning area. This is VERY exciting and we are grateful to Balfour Beatty for all of their help in starting this work.

This is a huge area that has not been used on our field. This will become our Forest School area.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Fantastic Y3 Writing

A huge well done to this Y3 child who achieved his pen license this afternoon. Mrs Menmuir and I were both VERY impressed with the presentation of his work.

Monday, 12 February 2018

February-March Extended School Club Status

Monday: Multi- Sports - Cancelled due to lack of demand.

Tuesday: Wildlife Club (FULL)

Wednesday: Netball - Places still available

Thursday: Arts & Crafts - Places still available

Friday: Football - 2 places left

We still have a few days left of this term. If you wish to book one of the clubs available above, please send in your booking form to Moorhens as soon as possible with full payment.

Music Award

We received this certificate today in recognition for the commitment we have to music education at Moor Hall.

At Moor Hall we have a high proportion of our children learning violin, 'cello, bass, keyboards, guitar, flute and clarinet. Some children start lessons in Reception class. We follow the Charanga Music scheme across our school and have a very enthusiastic school choir.

Aircraft over Moor Hall this morning

It was unusual to spot a formation of four military aircraft fly over school this morning. We think they were F15's but do not know for sure!

This is an example of an F-15....

Friday, 9 February 2018

Expansion Update 9th February 2018

It has been a very exciting morning this morning - the tarmac for the temporary car park has arrived. Year 1 went out to have a look at the rollers flattening the surface. They have seen where the new classrooms will be. In September 2019 they will be moving in to the new block as they will be in Year 3. although it is a long way away it is very exciting.

This is the arrival of the tarmac. This is going to be a temporary surface and will be replaced with grass once the building work has been completed.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Expansion Update 8th February part 2

 We have lots of exciting plans for our school as opportunities will arise as the result of expansion. At present, Mrs Glare and Miss phillips are working with the children to deign a new environmental area. This is with the backing of Balfour Beatty and Sutton Town Council. You can see below a design that has been produced by one of our chidren. We are aiming to create an outdoor 'forest schools' area so that the children can access outdoor learning in a natural environment.  This will be situated using some of the area that is presently scrubland on the field.

Expansion Feb 8th 2018

Work started at Moor Hall on 29th January 2018. This is one of the first photographs of Balfour Beatty starting to create temporary parking surfaces. The fencing was put up first in order to make sure that the whole area was secure and that there was clear separation from the children.

In the first week there has been a lot of progress in installing the temporary car park. Once this is operational, the staff of the school will be able to park their cars on the temporary surface and Balfour Beatty will then install cabins on the existing car park. This will mean that there will be increased car parking space for staff at the return to school on 26th February.

The surface that is nearest the school will then be used to ensure that the heavy equipment is able to operate on a secure footing. Once the work has been completed the large area that you can see below will be reinstalled as grass.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Feb-March Extended School Club-Places still available

Multi-Sports KS2 (5 weeks)
Over the 5 week period we will be covering  a variety of sports, such as Badminton, Volleyball, Body Combat, Cricket and Polo; exploring co-ordination, ball and body control and teamwork.
 Places still available.

Wildlife Club KS2 (5 weeks)
This club is now full.

Netball Yrs 4-6 (5 weeks)
 Children will learn the basic skills of throwing and catching, footwork and jumping. Children will have the chance to participate in small games.This club is available for both boys and girls of all abilities.
Places still available.

Arts & Crafts Yrs 2-6 (4 weeks)
Children have a range of activities & materials to choose from. Each week a different topic will be given, which will let their artistic skills run riot.
Places still available.


Football Yrs 2-4 (4 weeks)
This club is available for both boys and girls of all abilities.Children will learn all the skills of football and apply these skills to small team games.
Only 2 places left

If your child is interested in any of the clubs still available above, please send in your booking form to Moorhens as soon as possible to secure a place.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Don't forget the PA Pamper Night!

Tickets are now on sale for the PA Pamper Night on Thursday 15th March. Advance tickets only cost £4 (£5 on the door) - entry includes a glass of Prossecco!

Click on the image to the left to enlarge the poster!