Thursday, 22 November 2018

Anti-Bullying Week at Moorhens

children helped to design 2 large posters for ant-bullying week

They also designed their own poems and mini posters

Moorhens Poppy Art & Crafts

The children at Moorhens enjoyed making a contribution to our remembrance day poster, by making poppy's out of tissue paper.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Calling Year 3 :) Help please

In the next few days Year 3  will start making a wreath decoration that will be sold at the Christmas fair.

For our make, we would like the children to bring the following in to school:
·      A good quality black plastic bin bag
·      Lots of newspaper
·      At least 3 long pieces of tinsel – The more tinsel the children have the better the effect.

Making the wreaths takes quite a long time. As time is short we would ask that the children bring the materials in as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your help.

The Year 3 team

Mr. Winter                 Mrs. Hanlon               Mrs. Winter

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Dick Whittington Pantomime Payments

Dear Parents

This year we have been able to give all of the children a pantomime in school - we hope they really enjoyed it.

As a school we are dependent upon voluntary contributions to support such events. This year we may have to supplement the performance with school budget share as we have a lot of voluntary contributions that have not been sent in to school.

If you have not already done so, please can you send a voluntary contribution to help covering the costs of the pantomime.

Thank you

Saturday, 3 November 2018

#Barvember what do you think of this?

What is Barvember? What’s the point?
Barvember is organised by White Rose Maths to encourage everyone to use the bar model. We believe that the Bar Model is a useful tool for helping children visualise and then solve maths problems. Even some of the most complex problems can be seen much easier when represented visually.  
Barvember provides an opportunity for everyone to just do some maths.
We know that the bar model is not the ONLY way of visualising a problem and we also know that these problems can be solved in the other ways.  

Why should we take part?
We hope for the fun of doing maths. Lots of rewards available too; BARS of Fairtrade chocolate and places on our courses to name a few.
How do I share my solution?
• Tweet it to us @WhiteRoseMaths and use #barvember
• Send it to

Do I need to understand bar models to take part?
We have designed the problems so that people who have no or limited experience of bar modelling can still get involved

We provide two versions. One version where the bar model is fully or part-drawn and one where there is space to draw the bar model.

We have also included an additional similar question for each of the first 4 problems that allow you to practice what you have just learnt. Visit for our bar modelling CPD.

Who is Barvember aimed at?
We hope that there is a problem for everyone. We will release 5 problems a day so there is plenty to get stuck into. The problems will get more challenging over the course of “Barvember”. Choose the problems that are most appropriate for you or your class.