Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Wildlife Camera: 2018 Videos

At the end of 2018, Moor Hall School got a wildlife camera. We posted our first week's video back then, but haven't showed any more outside of school since. Why not check out some of the below footage - this covers the rest of 2018!

Monday, 24 June 2019

New Schools Join the Learning Trust for Excellence

As you are aware, our school is part of the Learning Trust for Excellence (LTE), a collaboration of 7 local schools who work together, share good practice and develop opportunities for our staff and children. Following the success of the Trust and the significant impact it has had on improving teaching and learning in our schools, it will be expanding to work with more schools in our community. The LTE is delighted to announce that the following local schools will be joining the Trust this summer:

Court Farm Primary
The Deanery Church of England Primary
Maney Hill Primary
Wylde Green Primary

The schools will engage in all the collaborative opportunities and activities for a year in the first instance. All the schools have worked together previously as part of the wider group of Sutton Coldfield primaries so we are very much looking forward to the exciting opportunities this expansion will bring, welcoming new colleagues and learning from each other.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Year 5 cluster day at Arthur Terry

On Wednesday, Year 5 visited Arthur Terry for their cluster day. We all had a great time and here are some photos from the day...

Year 6 netball presentation evening

A MASSIVE well done to all the netballers who have played throughout the netball season this year. You have represented Moor Hall brilliantly and we couldn't be more proud of you. Here are some photos from the evening/tournament.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

School Business Manager Job Advert

We have placed an advert and job description for a School Business manager on to our website under news - correspondence.

The role is a permanent contract that will commence 1st September 2019.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Saxophonist Amy Dickson Visits

Saxophonist Amy Dickson will again be visiting us on 1st July. See the article below for a read about the last time she came to school! 

Friday, 7 June 2019

School Travel Plan

We have published our school Travel Plan for 2019 on our website.  You can view this on the School Policies page or by clicking here.